

Saturday, November 20, 2010


What is your fitness regime?
I workout at the gym and also control my diet. When I am not working I try to spend maximum amount of time at the gym. Currently I am shooting round the clock for Kitani Mohabbat Hai 2 and making time to work out has become difficult.

How important is it to follow a fitness regime?It is very important. I have always been very particular about gymming and being healthy. Exercising makes you less prone to heart attack and diabetes. When you treat your body well you automatically stay away from alcohol and smoking because you don’t want all your hardwork in the gym to go waste.

What does your diet consist of?
I have different goals and my diet changes accordingly. For Kitani Mohabbat Hai I wanted to get rid of fat so I have a high protein diet and avoid rice. I have protein shakes and chicken. 

What according to you is the most enjoyable way of working out and why?Working out becomes enjoyable when your body reacts well.

Do you manage to take out time to workout in spite of your busy schedule?These days I spend 20 hours shooting for Kitani Mohabbat Hai 2 so I have not visited the gym for 15 or 20 days now. The most important thing before working out is that your body should get good rest. If you do not get 6 hours of proper rest there is no point  in working out because it strains the body.

Any fitness tips/advice that you would like to share?Try to work out 3 times a week. Control your diet and it could do wonders for your body. 

Who is your fitness icon from Hollywood/ Bollywood?
Everyone has a good body. No particular icon that I can name.

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